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How to Apply Visionary Lean Thinking to Personal Goal Setting

Do you have a vision of a significant milestone you want to achieve in 2021 but are unsure where or how to start? Did you set personal and professional goals at the beginning of the year but have been challenged with gaining traction on achieving them? Has the pandemic or other roadblocks hindered your progress?

Combining vision and Lean thinking can take you from dreaming to doing. Attend this 1-hour webinar to develop a plan to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals!

Learning Objectives:

After completing this Webinar, you will be able to:

● Describe how Lean Thinking is an integral part of the vision process

● List the steps to practical goal setting

● Recognize how the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) Cycle is an integral part of developing and accomplishing personal and professional goals

Who is Deondra Wardelle:


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