Would you like to be able to run live simulations to showcase the impact of Batching vs Single-Piece Flow? Would you like to see how to set up Virtual Huddle Boards? Would you like to know how to use digital white boards to visually manage projects?
Shell's Lead Master Black Belt Peter Cullen leads this interactive session to showcase the advanced uses of the digital whiteboard MURAL. In the first segment, you can watch participants engage in 2-round virtual simulation. During the second segment you'll learn about visual tools to manage international remote teams and drive on-time project delivery.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this Interactive Session, you will be able to:
List ways to use MURAL for running virtual simulations
Outline the elements of a virtual Huddle Board
Recognize how MURAL can incorporate visual management for successful project delivery
Interactive Simulation—Batching vs Single Piece Flow
Guided Tour of Service Desk Remote Huddle Board
Visual Project Management
Who is Peter Cullen: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-cullen-44297b16/
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