Every year, millions of people resolve to make life changes on New Year's Eve, but—according to ABC News, Time, and Forbes—80% of these resolutions fail within four weeks.
In 2014, as a long-time sufferer of the "Resolution Wish List," Bob Wallner—the Site Lean Leader at GKN Aerospace—decided to apply the continuous improvement practices from his professional life to his personal goals. This led to the creation of a system he calls, “Personal Hoshin Planning”.
After experimenting with various tools and methods, two things remained constant: the framework and his True North goals. Personal Hoshin Planning has helped Bob systematically achieve his long-term goals and enhance his self-awareness. What’s not to love?
Check out this video where Bob Wallner shares his system, helps us find our True North, and gives some of our lingering resolutions a shot at lasting change.
See you at the cafe!
Where & Why Personal Hoshin Originated
What Personal Hoshin Has Become
Where Personal Hoshin Is Going
Stories of Success and Failure
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